Minggu, 03 Maret 2013

Welcoming March Time to Get Ready

This Morning decided went to TPI Tambak Lorok, I looked for data and interview w/ fisherman who I asked will be guide on direct practice (PKL), PKL is one of subject in my Program Study "Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Perikanan" with value 2 SKS (credit one semester). Directly, met w/ Pak Panjang (one of staff UPTD TPI Tamabak Lorok) He is a simple man, who have working for UPTD Tambak Lorok more than 30 years.

We had little bit talk about the history  who had guided TPI Tambak Lorok, namely Bapeda & KUD ( 70-2010) and KKP (2010- till now). Pak Panjang began a staff Tambak Lorok in 1972 - 2010 with sallary Rp 10.000,00 per day means that, his sallary for one month is about Rp 300.000,00. He is a staff w/ one other man (i justt don't know his name), I have talking with him more than 1 hour, He told me something that i do not know before he said to me.

KKP (Kementrian Kelautan dan Perikanan) Kota & Provinsi Semarang which organized UPTD TPI Tambak Lorok with directly leader Pak Nur Dwi Esto, but recently i just known the leader isn't graduated from Fisheries but different major, so he wasn't much know how to organized TPI. And the consequenced from that the accumulation jobs just on staff, He just come to observe TPI on the time period.

After that, I went to Pak Slamet and before that i bought  water melon for give a away, because i got planning to get interview with Pak Selamet who is informan will have related with my paper on my direct practice (PKL). After i got much question for him and his son and my Questioner fullfill, i got little bit nonsense (talking nothing) because people of java almost do that if we having to be a guess on other family.

Pak Selamet had five child, and he and his son to be a fisherman, but his live is under-middle, he is a java like me with friendly person, he and his family live in one house, in Tambak Mulyo near Tambak Lorok North Semarang. Environment Tambak Lorok is slum area near my house, with same problem flood, garbages, slum area and ROB (impact tidal range because near coastal area, but there is no mangrove there :( often problems with flood and ROB in rainy season).

This day I got more than interview but i hope i could someday having contribution for Fisheries & Marine world, we need expert to improve our environment to give more impact and to lift up the grade of fisherman, from under-middle to middle-high.

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