Senin, 16 Desember 2013

Bilyet Giro or B.G (Uncashed)

Today, I went to Bank Central Asia (BCA) Pemuda Semarang with purpose withdrawl Bilyet Giro (BG), it was my first time and really did not know what exactly I wanna do at that time. I just went to the bank and ask Seurity How can I do with Bilyet Giro (BG), after that I got conclusion after 2nd Security looking for a man who can help me about this and help me for a while until I got my turn. 1st Teller Kliring  called my queue number.

Firstly, when I reached security looking for help he was very kind and I was a bit unsociable when her served (teller kliring). Yah! it was my first time, and it would be unforgettable. Because of that I was really regret for that. 

FYI, BG uncashable so you guys need a bank account (Similar Bank be better), thare was adminitration Rp 5000 for it. If you haven't account you can used your own account but It would be need 3 days transfer into your bill and Rp 15.000 for reduction from your amount.

And so far, It need 30-45 minute, I chosed in the morning is not crowded yet. That was my lesson today..

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