Senin, 16 Desember 2013

Bilyet Giro or B.G (Uncashed)

Today, I went to Bank Central Asia (BCA) Pemuda Semarang with purpose withdrawl Bilyet Giro (BG), it was my first time and really did not know what exactly I wanna do at that time. I just went to the bank and ask Seurity How can I do with Bilyet Giro (BG), after that I got conclusion after 2nd Security looking for a man who can help me about this and help me for a while until I got my turn. 1st Teller Kliring  called my queue number.

Firstly, when I reached security looking for help he was very kind and I was a bit unsociable when her served (teller kliring). Yah! it was my first time, and it would be unforgettable. Because of that I was really regret for that. 

FYI, BG uncashable so you guys need a bank account (Similar Bank be better), thare was adminitration Rp 5000 for it. If you haven't account you can used your own account but It would be need 3 days transfer into your bill and Rp 15.000 for reduction from your amount.

And so far, It need 30-45 minute, I chosed in the morning is not crowded yet. That was my lesson today..

Rabu, 11 Desember 2013

I'll be back soon

This Morning

I feel very snappish for the first time I 'll go arround with my bicyle,

It will be very nice view.. Lawang Sewu (the old town of Netherlands) will being scenery and very thanksfull with allah.

I hope I can continuesly get this habbit.

I'll back soon, after I pick up my mother with it..

do not go anywhere will be right back soon hehe

I get prepare it ...

My Mother's Shop

I have received news from my mother. She is in her shop last evening for set up her shop. She has been 20 years being a seller grocery there. She is working for her self and family and she has already get benefit for financing her 2 daughters and 4 sons.

She has bought the shop 20 years ago even it just 1,5 m X 2 m squared at that time the cost was just 500.000 rupiah. But after that the worth it will be 10 times up, she will  construct her shop after a long time she did.

I hope she can have a good one form her effort with nice shop. And it was being proud of her because the shop will be the only field for work.

Dec 10th 2013 (My Mother, abang, mbak Ani, and my lovely mother)


It was Thursday, I never think that my bicycle can be very good one again, before along time it was retired and out of order untill tomorrow I saw it in front of my house.

It was very surprising, I really miss for riding arround in the morning. My father said, the reason he repaired it, just because my dead cleaned down in the top of my house which is like warehouse fully second goods include my bicycle.

I will soon had new activities in the morning with my cycle and having fun with it. My mom, has never been known that I am very happy indeed!! So that I am finding this morning trip with very excited.

I am being loved with the air in the morning....
cycling in the morning ^_^

Sabtu, 07 Desember 2013


Kuta (sometimes spelt Kute) is the ain tow and tourism centre on the south coast of  Lombok, and is the hub for exploring the fantastic shouthern beaches and the many points of interest in the region.

Loated around 60 k south of Mataram and about one and half hour's drive from Senggigi, Kuta makes for wonderful day trip from other points in Lombok, or an alternative holiday destination for travellers exploring Lombok.

Since the Lobok Internationa, Airport opened in late 2011, many of the major road have been upgraded and the main road to Kuta is very good. The new airport is located only 25 minutes drive north of Kuta and has made acess to the south very easy.

The drive down to the south coast is an interesting rural tour of small villages and farming communities. Fields of tobacco, corn and peanuts line the roadsides and farmers till the fields using antiquated ploughs pulled by large water buffalo.

Just before arriving in Kuta, the road passes two traditional Sasak villages namely Sade and Rambitan. On the east side of the road is Rambitan, a village that caters to tourist and has authentic cluster of thatched Lumbung, or rice barns, and traditional hoomes made of thatch and bamboo, with hardened cow and buffalo dung floors.

Nearby, on the hilltop, is one of the oldest mosques in Lombok, Mesjid Kuno. The smll building with a thatched roof is considered holy and many believers make pilgrimages to pray here.

Slightly furthure south is Sade, an hiltop village with more Lumbungs and traditional homes. Both villages have been renovated an cater to the tourist market, but are still interesting examples of traditional Sasak architecture and communal living within the compounds, where lifecontinues as it has for centuries.

Kuta itself is small town with hotels, home-stays and backpacker's hostels that cater mainly to the thousands of surfers from around the world who are drawn to the area every year to surf the left and 
right hand breaks out in the bay.

There is good variety of accomodation restaurant and facilities for travellers and with investment taking off- more options are opening all the time. There are plans for luxury beachfront resort in central Kuta this year and smaller developments are already under construction.

Take from Lombok Guide page 60 (Tourism Information)