Senin, 16 Desember 2013

Bilyet Giro or B.G (Uncashed)

Today, I went to Bank Central Asia (BCA) Pemuda Semarang with purpose withdrawl Bilyet Giro (BG), it was my first time and really did not know what exactly I wanna do at that time. I just went to the bank and ask Seurity How can I do with Bilyet Giro (BG), after that I got conclusion after 2nd Security looking for a man who can help me about this and help me for a while until I got my turn. 1st Teller Kliring  called my queue number.

Firstly, when I reached security looking for help he was very kind and I was a bit unsociable when her served (teller kliring). Yah! it was my first time, and it would be unforgettable. Because of that I was really regret for that. 

FYI, BG uncashable so you guys need a bank account (Similar Bank be better), thare was adminitration Rp 5000 for it. If you haven't account you can used your own account but It would be need 3 days transfer into your bill and Rp 15.000 for reduction from your amount.

And so far, It need 30-45 minute, I chosed in the morning is not crowded yet. That was my lesson today..

Rabu, 11 Desember 2013

I'll be back soon

This Morning

I feel very snappish for the first time I 'll go arround with my bicyle,

It will be very nice view.. Lawang Sewu (the old town of Netherlands) will being scenery and very thanksfull with allah.

I hope I can continuesly get this habbit.

I'll back soon, after I pick up my mother with it..

do not go anywhere will be right back soon hehe

I get prepare it ...

My Mother's Shop

I have received news from my mother. She is in her shop last evening for set up her shop. She has been 20 years being a seller grocery there. She is working for her self and family and she has already get benefit for financing her 2 daughters and 4 sons.

She has bought the shop 20 years ago even it just 1,5 m X 2 m squared at that time the cost was just 500.000 rupiah. But after that the worth it will be 10 times up, she will  construct her shop after a long time she did.

I hope she can have a good one form her effort with nice shop. And it was being proud of her because the shop will be the only field for work.

Dec 10th 2013 (My Mother, abang, mbak Ani, and my lovely mother)


It was Thursday, I never think that my bicycle can be very good one again, before along time it was retired and out of order untill tomorrow I saw it in front of my house.

It was very surprising, I really miss for riding arround in the morning. My father said, the reason he repaired it, just because my dead cleaned down in the top of my house which is like warehouse fully second goods include my bicycle.

I will soon had new activities in the morning with my cycle and having fun with it. My mom, has never been known that I am very happy indeed!! So that I am finding this morning trip with very excited.

I am being loved with the air in the morning....
cycling in the morning ^_^

Sabtu, 07 Desember 2013


Kuta (sometimes spelt Kute) is the ain tow and tourism centre on the south coast of  Lombok, and is the hub for exploring the fantastic shouthern beaches and the many points of interest in the region.

Loated around 60 k south of Mataram and about one and half hour's drive from Senggigi, Kuta makes for wonderful day trip from other points in Lombok, or an alternative holiday destination for travellers exploring Lombok.

Since the Lobok Internationa, Airport opened in late 2011, many of the major road have been upgraded and the main road to Kuta is very good. The new airport is located only 25 minutes drive north of Kuta and has made acess to the south very easy.

The drive down to the south coast is an interesting rural tour of small villages and farming communities. Fields of tobacco, corn and peanuts line the roadsides and farmers till the fields using antiquated ploughs pulled by large water buffalo.

Just before arriving in Kuta, the road passes two traditional Sasak villages namely Sade and Rambitan. On the east side of the road is Rambitan, a village that caters to tourist and has authentic cluster of thatched Lumbung, or rice barns, and traditional hoomes made of thatch and bamboo, with hardened cow and buffalo dung floors.

Nearby, on the hilltop, is one of the oldest mosques in Lombok, Mesjid Kuno. The smll building with a thatched roof is considered holy and many believers make pilgrimages to pray here.

Slightly furthure south is Sade, an hiltop village with more Lumbungs and traditional homes. Both villages have been renovated an cater to the tourist market, but are still interesting examples of traditional Sasak architecture and communal living within the compounds, where lifecontinues as it has for centuries.

Kuta itself is small town with hotels, home-stays and backpacker's hostels that cater mainly to the thousands of surfers from around the world who are drawn to the area every year to surf the left and 
right hand breaks out in the bay.

There is good variety of accomodation restaurant and facilities for travellers and with investment taking off- more options are opening all the time. There are plans for luxury beachfront resort in central Kuta this year and smaller developments are already under construction.

Take from Lombok Guide page 60 (Tourism Information)

Minggu, 03 November 2013

Today 3th November 2013: Collective Test for Teacher's Honorer

Today November 3th 2013, many people who really wanna be PNS (government official), abreast of CPNS (candidate of government official) Test and aproximately 150 thausands sit will faighting over. The test start from 7 a.m, and SMKN 7 Semarang one of place for held the test. And My sister, one of person who really wanna be a PNS, with this test she really tried very harder to get the chance. She just 7 years serve being a honorer teacher, she just tried and tried with the test for CPNS. My pray for my sister today, I hope she can pass throughtout every part of the test.

Rabu, 16 Oktober 2013

Aku dan Kawan Sepermainan

Ternyata begitu cepat waktu berlalu, kami dulu sering bermain bersama, belajar bersama menghabiskan waktu setelah sekolah usai. Rumah kami pun cukup dekat, pada masa itu memang anak-anak seusia kami sering bermain bersama, kadang tempat yang kita tuju adalah tempat yang cukup jauh dan sering kami dimarahi karena ketahuan oleh orang tua kami. Tapi masa kecil adalah masa bereksploitasi semakin sering diarahi semakin menarik bagi kami. Tempat ini memang tidak cukup banyak mengalami perubahan, masih saja rob, dan kadang masih juga becek padahal banyak sekali pembeli yang memenuhi Pasar Johar ketika menyambut hari-hari besar, apalagi bulan puasa dan tentunya Idul Fitri.
Kami layaknya teman sepermainan, yang sering menyapa satu sama lain ketika bertemu, mungkin karena tak ada lagi teman seusia kami di kampung kami jadi secara alamiah kami menjadi dekat namun tidak seperti perangko. Tanggal 15 Oktober 2013 tepatnya ketika Idul Adha 1434 H, kami awalnya berencana akan pergi ke Jepara, namun karena suatu hal akhirnyapun kami mengunjungi Ratu Paksi (semacam tempat khusus aksesoris), Pasar Johar, makan Mie Ayam di Pinggiran Pasar, Toko buku Gramedia (karena hari terakhir promo diskon), dan Es Olala Pak Nawi di Jalan Layur. 
Akhirnya kami keluar untuk pertama kalinya setelah kami "dewasa", sedikit merasa berbeda frekuensi memang terkadang terasa, maklum saja temanku ini sudah berumah tangga dan sudah punya anak. Kami berbda satu tahun, namun kami satu angkatan ketika memasuki Sekolah Dasar Negeri Tanjung Mas sebelum berganti nama dulunya bernama SD Negeri Bandarharjo. Di SD inilah menjadi SD Negeri satu-satuna di daerah kami ang syarat dengan potret kemiskinan namun belakangan ketika aku bernajak dewasa tempat ini sudah cukup banyak dilalui oleh mobil-mobil yang memakan jalan terkadang menimbulkan macet ketika ada acara pernikahan.
Tempat yang pertama kami kunjungi adalah Ratu Paksi, disini banyak dijual macam-macam aksesoris tentunya ini magnet bagi wanita, namun aku sedang bokek dan setelah aku pikir-pikir lebih baik aku belikan sesuatu yang bisa menambah pengetahuanku dan insaallah barakah. Setelah itu kami beranjak ke Johar pasar tradisional yang terbesar di kotaku Semarang kota yang selama lebih 20 tahun ini aku tumbuh dan menuntut ilmu. Lalu kami memutuskan untuk makan Mie Ayam Bakso di pinggir Jalan (cukup tau ternyata mahal), kami melanjutkan ke Toko Buku Gramedia Pandanaran Semarang dan membeli buku yang sedang promo, karena tepat hari itu tanggal 15 Oktober masa promona berakhir. Lalu Motor melaju pulang dan sebelumnya kami mampir ke daerah yang lebih sering langganan rob dari pada tempatku yaitu Jalan Layur, tempatnya berdekatan dengan Klenteng terdapat toko Es favoritku dari SMP hingga sekarang. Perjalanan usai dan kami memutuskan untuk pulang ke rumah.
Yaa memang seperti itu kedekatan kami, memang terlihat dangkal dan mungkin karena kami tumbuh bersama di tempat ini, tempat yang memperlihatkan wajah-wajah perjuangan bagi sebagian orang, perjuangan dari putus sekolah, antara kaya dan miskin begitu kentara, tapi yang pasti tempat ini selalu punya sisi garang bagi orang Semarang yang seringkali menanyakan tempatku berasal. Bahkan teman sekolahku juga sering menggodaku karenanya. Tempat yang begitu penuh sesak karena sering dijejali dengan arus urbanisasi dan pekerja pabrik di sekitar Pelabuhan Tanjung Mas Semarang.
Inilah Tempat tinggal kami ___ 
Semoga kedepannya aku mampu mengubah wajah tempat ini lebih baik lagi, atau bahkan menjadikan tempat ini lebih layak lagi untuk anak-anak yang tumbuh dan berkembang, sehingga anak-anak tidak lagi khawatir bermain bola ketika motor lewat atau becak lewat.. anak laki-laki leluasa bermain layang-layang ditanah lapang tentunya tanpa takut terkena saluran kabel PLN. 

Semarang 15 Oktober 2013, Idul Adha 1434 H. 
Sri Lestari

Minggu, 06 Oktober 2013


Since, I'm entering 7th semester this is my progress getting my graduate bachelor. Before that, I have to arrange the final task is called SKRIPSI which is need more relax and focus knowing at least what is my passion looking up the problem used to as basic problem for SKRIPSI. Almost senior student who will graduate through this phases they become blunder for the time being to catch up their freinds which have material for their SKRIPSI and after we will fix on the subject what will be mine until the end of process by a cassock or with the familiar toga.

The time has gone so fast and sometimes one's did not understand what "the pretty thing" we are looking for and didn't know how the bravely inside of mine as long as didn't underestimate our pontential. When looking my self on the mirror, I said to my self  "what shadow". Okay, lets said good bye with the complaint over all about physic hahaha. Simple thing If someone ask me, "did you want to go oversea?" and my answer ofcourse everyone of us dream it, but before that what must do over and over, is not a simple thing like the question but It need fully intention and effort. SKRIPSI is the satrting point to get scholarship overseas thats the point.

"Stop talking about the past start creating something", quote by Desi anwar, when yourself demand more productive and point to good one but the output smallest than your think about it, what should we do? we are becoming :( Talk More Do Less. I'm so worry with the word who named LAZINESS it so dangerous like trap if we don't break off It will be easy lose the change. My problem is I have  big dream and become a dreamer but still re-charge my energy wait for long time, and do not know when it will be done. 

Sabtu, 06 Juli 2013

Time Lost in the Morning

I've been lost the important one in this morning and today It was third time awake so lately. I didn't know how big my regret to Allah, It came bad habbit after I got getting periode (menstruation for women), the bad news I have difficulty to overcome the laziness for recently. I hope for "Allah please help me to explore more my abbility and so that I am not a losser than ".

Allah gave me more than enough, I have perfectly five senses and alot of people with a lacking can explore their capability. And why not, I guess I can do the same. Complately, I believe I can do the best like which they do more creativity. Now days, I've full depress, on my last year with everything to reach my graduation with all about the obigation to full fill.

This Saturday was so silent, because there no one except me in my home, I just alone without money. And hard to think looking for the problem solving how to pay the excreton such as installment, debt, regularly for semester. To be one of student who getting scholarship in my campuss (State University in Semarang) to me, It has very lucky, I can not imagine how I can pass my day in campuss until now in my 3th year with small income like my family.

If didn't want to be mediocre, must be an unusual one and uniquely in others. And I must be ready to walk alone because I'm different and unique. Live near Kota Lama, made me improving my taste with something old school thing. My appearance related with my passion in taste too. In other hands. In other hand I must be different mindset to look around any problems in my life. Every problems strike on mine who just made me more and more strength to growth and evolve.

Allah please give me a strength than before to faced everything with pleasure. Amin amin ya robal alamin

Rabu, 03 Juli 2013

Too Late When The First day Exam- June 1st 2013

Your home was far away from your campuss, so what you might do? 

Maight be that was many time arrived too late to campuss, my home is about 15 Kms far away from my campuss. So that made me went earlier, if didn't want late. In first year its better than in the last semester I have, lately I felt so worried with the far away even it just 30 minute left in the road with my preaty motor cycle. And what happen? I had too late more than 30 minute left after the exercise  called UAS, and  I don't belief that. I felt so bad, after that faced of my parents rised up how can I treasonable with them.

That was because of it very important exercise in my education to get degree of bachelor in six semester, apparently I had lost my enthusiastic to faced challenge in my live. I have felt not passionately when drove my ride and left 30 minute to get on the class without late. And the worst I do not belief  in mine, I woke up too late when the fist examination would be held, for the first time and the last time I had absent.

And I feel so frustrated in that time, yesterday before that day I had studied hard until 2 am. After that I woke up at 8 am, but the worst your exam will be held on 8 am and  between your home and campus need 30 minute. So, It was totally my fail. I must lie with all of my friends and my lecture.
(I'm very sorry for that)

Thank's to My lecture he is so kindly, he give us (me and my friend) the 2nd chance to fill the absent and get exclusive exam. Even I can f, but I did not want again. No way! I hope that was the last time I had.

Jumat, 28 Juni 2013

I do not care with something was grey

I've just tried to closed my eyes around my self

I do not understand everything that was still grey
how was my self can ignored every man who tried to giving a little bit attention
because, I do not really about all of him

but I've just thinked being more posstive
I haven't time to think about another
I love my life & I love my family much more before
how was my self so different with anyone because of I have different  perception

I've just women that really passionately with "LIVE be BETTER"
I want to improved and grow up

I loved to be different
And I tried to get "my excellent"

Sabtu, 22 Juni 2013


Do you think there might be a second place?

Not My parents home but somewhere else that one day I might find it?
Suddenly, I'm to worry imaging tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and my future

Sometimes I've thinked my live is  more better that anyone of us who lived in suburb of Semarang
Most people who didn't have chance to get education till colledge
Most people just think how to earn money to covered daily needed
With mediocre sallary, most of us just employee industry of factory & middle low education
That's way most people here, can not give good quality in education for their children
The cildren just growth by their self without basic education from her parents
Because, their parents having to worked all the day

But, There's something unique here
We can find any of us with different backgrounds middle-low
We grow and  grow here
Just this place where giving us the low price to buy foods
Just this place where traffic jam because of near rail train
Just this place where near district of Semarang
Just this place where mostly flood so that we just understanding
This place very famous with the flood area moreover entry rainy season

However the more and lack, I still want to have portion improved my origin place

Luruskan niatku ya allah, kuatkan tekadku
perkuat imanku bismillah


Sabtu, 15 Juni 2013

Overcome The Laziness

Ternyata hari ini, susah juga untuk sholat dhuha meskipun sudah ada niat namun satu lagi yang tak ada, tidak adanya jiwa mencintai dari dalam, sehingga susah ketika di hari sabtu yang sedikit aktivitas tapi malah melupakan sholat sunnah yang sering dilakuka diwaktu biasa "ngampus".

Seolah-olah membuyarkan pandanganku tentang diriku aku tak mampu mengatur diriku, sepertinya semuanya terhalang oleh satu tebok besaar yang bernama rasa malas yang kian lama kian susah untuk mengendalikannya. Meski kadang aku menenag dan lebih banyaknya kalh.

Suatu ketika aku pernah membaca tuliasan Prof Ken Kawan Santoso, yang mengatakan pribadi tiap manusia memiliki rasa malas, sehingga perlu adanya hadiah untuk sesuatu hal yang dianggapnya susah untuk digapai atau susah untuk dilaukannya, dan diakhir cerita mereka ternyata mampu melakukannnya dan cukup baik. Maka perlu adanya hadiah untuk mengatakan pada diri kita "Setelah kita mampu melakukannya maka aku akan makan sepuasnya di Cafe atau semacamnya".

Pernah terbesit sebentar dikepalaku untuk melakukannya, namun suatu hal yang lain adalah rasa malas mencoba dan kurangnya rasa struggle tentu susah. Aku selalu kagum dengan mereka yang mampu keluar dari rasa malas, dan mampu untuk mengatakan "Good bye laziness". Tentunya semangat jiwa yang mampu bertahan ketika rasa malas mmenghigap perlu untuk dibangun dan diperkokoh. Untuk menjadikan bangsa ini lebih maju dan memiliki jiwa kerja yang kuat.

Senin, 10 Juni 2013

Just Give Me The Reason- Pink

Right from the start
You were a thief
You stole my heart
And Im your willing victim
I let you see the parts of me
That weren’t all that pretty
And with every touch you fixed them
Now you’ve been talking in your sleep oh oh
Things you never say to me oh oh
Tell me that you’ve had enough
Of our love, our love
Just give me a reason
Just a little bit’s enough
Just a second we’re not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again
It’s in the stars
It’s been written in the scars on our hearts
That we’re not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again
I’m sorry I don’t understand
Where all of this is coming from
I thought that we were fine
(Oh we had everything)
Your head is running wild again
My dear we still have everythin’
And it’s all in your mind
(Yeah but this is happenin’)
You’ve been havin’ real bad dreams oh oh
You used to lie so close to me oh oh
There’s nothing more than empty sheets
Between our love, our love
Oh our love, our love
Just give me a reason
Just a little bit’s enough
Just a second we’re not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again
I never stopped
You’re still written in the scars on my heart
You’re not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again
Oh tear ducts and rust
Ill fix it for us
we’re collecting dust but our love is enough
You’re holding it in
You’re pouring a drink
No nothing is as bad as it seems
We’ll come clean
Just give me a reason
Just a little bit’s enough
Just a second we’re not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again
It’s been written in the scars
It’s been written in the scars of our hearts
That we’re not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again
Just give me a reason
Just a little bit’s enough
Just a second we’re not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again
It’s benn written in the scars
It’s been written in the scars on our hearts
That we’re not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again
Oh we can learn to love again
Oh we can learn to love again oh oh
That we’re not broken just bent
And we can learn to love againJust Give Me The Reason- Pink

Minggu, 03 Maret 2013

Starting to Campuss and Miss S.O

Monday 4th March 2013, will be starting activity on my Campuss to get new even-semester (semester genap), now I'm on 6th Semester, I got planning to get PKL & KKL this Semester, wooow Amazing!!! Ok, tomorrow i will get moning class at 7.30 am  in the first meeting, and of course i must get up earlier, now days I almost to be lazy, maybe Allah want improvement for my self to rebuild my daily like my activity in the morning because almost in the morning just pray subuh afterthat, I have continuing get sleep again. hahaha

I have just trying to be more aware with environment, my healty, and of course my appearence, because when I look my self in the mirror I get surprise that my face so scary when i get up in the morning, with bad hair and  worn-out faced (hahaha). Maybe I must more aware with my face again, I hope so, i could keep my willingness to get it more better and beautiful :))).

Don't you remember that i still steady with my beloved in Senior High Shool (Stop its forbidden!!! :-)), I think, if he just looked at me now, maybe he can escape, because I'm not interesting woman (I hope not). Okay!!! I just hopefully allah can give me the way-out about what i have felt to him, i just do not know why i still open-up his FB, TWitter to get more info and what happen with him.
(It was stupid thing that i have done if i miss him) --->> in this cased i really hate my self because i did not success manage my self to stop had feeling to him.
I wanna say Good Bye with My feeling to him but it so difficult, Seriously!!!

Welcoming March Time to Get Ready

This Morning decided went to TPI Tambak Lorok, I looked for data and interview w/ fisherman who I asked will be guide on direct practice (PKL), PKL is one of subject in my Program Study "Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Perikanan" with value 2 SKS (credit one semester). Directly, met w/ Pak Panjang (one of staff UPTD TPI Tamabak Lorok) He is a simple man, who have working for UPTD Tambak Lorok more than 30 years.

We had little bit talk about the history  who had guided TPI Tambak Lorok, namely Bapeda & KUD ( 70-2010) and KKP (2010- till now). Pak Panjang began a staff Tambak Lorok in 1972 - 2010 with sallary Rp 10.000,00 per day means that, his sallary for one month is about Rp 300.000,00. He is a staff w/ one other man (i justt don't know his name), I have talking with him more than 1 hour, He told me something that i do not know before he said to me.

KKP (Kementrian Kelautan dan Perikanan) Kota & Provinsi Semarang which organized UPTD TPI Tambak Lorok with directly leader Pak Nur Dwi Esto, but recently i just known the leader isn't graduated from Fisheries but different major, so he wasn't much know how to organized TPI. And the consequenced from that the accumulation jobs just on staff, He just come to observe TPI on the time period.

After that, I went to Pak Slamet and before that i bought  water melon for give a away, because i got planning to get interview with Pak Selamet who is informan will have related with my paper on my direct practice (PKL). After i got much question for him and his son and my Questioner fullfill, i got little bit nonsense (talking nothing) because people of java almost do that if we having to be a guess on other family.

Pak Selamet had five child, and he and his son to be a fisherman, but his live is under-middle, he is a java like me with friendly person, he and his family live in one house, in Tambak Mulyo near Tambak Lorok North Semarang. Environment Tambak Lorok is slum area near my house, with same problem flood, garbages, slum area and ROB (impact tidal range because near coastal area, but there is no mangrove there :( often problems with flood and ROB in rainy season).

This day I got more than interview but i hope i could someday having contribution for Fisheries & Marine world, we need expert to improve our environment to give more impact and to lift up the grade of fisherman, from under-middle to middle-high.

Jumat, 15 Februari 2013

Bengong Mlompong

Oh iya hari ini benar ya hari Juamat jadi besok hari sabtu, yaahh!!! kok cepet banget sih. gak siap (pasrah). Iya bener ya, mending ssedikit rileks, lupakan masalah yang ada, segera bersiap untuk memperbaiki hari ini dan besok dan besoknya lagi.

Hari ini ga tau kenap berat banget bangeet ya. Susah deh ngungkapinnya, soalnya kalo udah gini berarti rada berat jalan cerita hidup yang nulis, (perasaan juga biasa aja O_O hahahaha) cuman terkadang lebai. Maklum introvert jadi kalo kesenggol masalah bawaannya pengen fokus dan pada akhirnya jadi pesimis, soalnya cuman bisa diem dan gak ngapa-ngapain ( susah nih punya anak kyk gini __-__)

Kalo ada yang susah diomongin aja lah, kalo gak mudeng baru tanya ya!!. itu mungkin sepenggal kata bijak dari seorang, nah aku berharap ada yang bilang mirip gitu lah. Mau teriak bangeet kalo punya masalah tapi masalahnya rumah ane sempit dan deket banget sama rumah tetangga, jadi takut dikira GILA!!.

Ya mau gimana lagi, dari tadi cuman bisa bengong, liat lepi terus ngelamun. Kalo ada yang bilang terima nasib banget ya ini orang, (iya banget, harusnya ngapain kek, bersih-bersih rumah, nyuci pakaian, atau mau jungkir balik)

Tapi beneran Lho kalo emang lagi ada yang dipikirn emang aku bawaannya males, diem, ngelamun dan yang pasti muka jarang senyum kayak kearik tegang. Gak tau juga nih, apa-apa pengennya ngeluuh padahal juga udah untung bisa sampai sekarang. Eman-eman banget kan kalo mandeg (Nauzubillah!!!! amit-amit)

Stop aja dulu lah, masih absurd juga ya tulisan ini. Tetep semangat ajalah buat tulisan yang bisa bercerita ngalir apa adanya. Bukan ada apanya...

SPP (Annually Fee for Semester)

Saturday, 16th February will be the end for paid SPP (Annually Fee for Semester), It less 1 day till tomorrow, the bad news until now, i haven't money for paid, I asked My mother, recently, She said " I do not, you said, you can pay from your scholarship!!". (and then I just cried) 

And then my tears out, after I heard my mother statement, maybe this month little bit difficult to me, I have tried to manage my scholar & little bit aid from Bude, I knew I'm very lucky reached my live to day, there is not easy for me study until university like now, I'm on 6th semester, It has been challenge  for me until i will get my graduation.

Continue with the main problem, "I'm on deep water" (big problems), tomorrow will be limit date for pay  SPP for this Semester, I has just said to my self there is not way to give up, because I'm on a half my way, I have just needed more extra work, pray, focused.

 My family had been different with other family, We are not ready to pay my fee on university, My mother & father has been getting old, they had been unproductive again, and I'm their last child, i had 4 brothers, 1 sister, almost from us, very hard & full fighting to get graduation until Senior High School. Off course, because They just parents without salary.

My father, he just a carpenter & my mother just sold fresh-vegetable on the market, with small place, from morning till evening. They just can covered for daily needs, like rice, food, tea, coffee. So, It can describe how important money for my family, I just respect for them who born me in this world. Because of them, i can study until now.

The more important, now i need money to pay annually  for this semester, I hope you give me wonder to faced problems with bravely.

Maybe it will be late for 2nd time to paid SPP (-__-) BAD NEWS!!!

little bit about me

Hari ini aku terus banyak berpikir, banyak sekali yang mengganggu pikiran, semuanya seperti datang dan pergi menyusup pikiran hingga batasan kesabaranku habis, aku hanya terus berusaha untuk berdoa, semoga aku mampu menjalani kehidupan dengan hidup didalamnya, banyak sekali hal yang ingin bisa aku ungkapkan secara jelas tanpa harus memandang background dari orang tersebut. Terkadang ada beberapa hal yang tak bisa aku ungkapkan ketika aku berhadapan dengan orang, aku terkekang oleh aturan, atau lebih tepatnya respect yang terlalu over sensitive kepada orang lain, seperti cerminan orang jawa yang tidak enakan, atau sering bertingkah ragu-ragu.

Aku sering mencoba untuk tidak, memandang segala sesuatunya pada kondisi yang pakem dan mengakibatkan perang batin, aku berusaha untuk bersikap apa adanya dalam menjalani hidup ini, meski kadang, tak bisa aku pungkiri, kadang aku merasa hidupku terlalu berharga ketika aku mulai menyerah dengan keadaan ekonomi yang melilit keluargaku, aku harus bisa keluar dari keperibadianku yang biasa-biasa saja menjadi pribadi yang optimist memandang setiap halangan menjadi tantangan.

Berjalan terus tanpa berhenti, berusaha untuk tidak menoleh  kebelakang, aku akan terus mencoba menikmati diriku sendiri, allah menciptakan aku pasti memiliki tujuan, aku percaya itu, dan satu lagi, setiap orang adalah unik dan genious. Aku aharus bersifat kreatif menemukan diriku yang comfort dan kemudian mampu beradaptasi dengan segala kondisi.

Inilah perjalanan hidup untuk terus berjuang, dan berusaha mengatakan pada segala hambatan menjadi tantangan yang harus ditakhlukan, aku hanya akan percaya bahwa aku mampu untuk melalui semua ini dan bersikap produktif menghasilkan karya.

mungkin aku memang belum bisa menulis secara jelas nmun aku tetap berusaha dengan keras dengan menghidupkan blog ini

Senin, 11 Februari 2013

metode penangkapan ikan

klasifikasi alat tangkap 

klasifikasi alat tangkap berdasarkan A. von Brandth (1984) ed.3th --> fish cathing methods of the worlds

1. tanpa alat--> without gear
    grasping by hand menangkap dengan tangan
    diving menyelam
    with hunting animals memburu

2. mengkait dan melukai --> grappling & wounding gear
    wihout wouding --> raking (meloloskan), clamp (mengapit)
    by wounding (melukai dengan benda tajam) --> harpoon, arrow(panah)

3. meracuni --> stupefying
    mechanical dengan meledakan dan memukul dengan martil
    chemical dengan ichtyotoxic plant (tumbuhan peracun--> jenu)
    electrical dengan penyetruman

4. pancing --> line
    without hook 
    with hook cotohnya hand line, long line, troll line, pole & line
    with rip hook contohnya jigger dan squid hook

5. perangkap --> trap
    hiding place
    mechanical trap
    tubuler trap

6. perangkap ikan peloncat --> aerial trap
    kapal boat
    rakit raft

7. jaring kantong--> bag net 
    alat penyaring semacam sero

8. pukat hela --> dragged gear
    pukat harimau
    dredges atau garuk

9. pukat tarik --> seine net
    pukat pantai
    pukat perahu

10. jaring lingkar --> surrounding net
      purse seine

11. jaring penggiring --> drive in net
      bentuk gillnet
      bentuk pukat

12. jaring angkat --> lift net
      hand lift net
      mechanized  lift net atau anco
      blanket net atau bagan

13. ditebarkan/ dijatuhkan --> falling gear
      jala tebar
      bentuk kurungan

14. jaring insang --> gill net
      set gill net
      drift net

15. jaring puntal --> tangle net
      satu lapis dan dua lapis gill net
      tiga lapis gill net yang disebut jatila atau trammel net
16. alat pemanen --> harvesting mechine
       pompa & ban berjalan (conveyor belts)

Jumat, 08 Februari 2013

Lesson 8 Robert J. Dixson


to be about to (to be on  the point of, ready)
ex. We were about to start dinner when You arrived

to turn arround  (to make a complate turn in order to face in the opposite direction) S
ex. The man turned the car around and drove in the opposite direction

to take turns (to alternate)
ex. Mary and her sister take turns helping their mother each night

to pay attention (to give attention to, place importance upon)
ex. He never pays attention to anything his wife says

to go on ( to continue, proceed)
John went on  reading and paid attention to any of us

over and over (repetedly)
ex. I have told hi the same thing over and over

to wear out ( to become shabby and useless from wear) S
ex. I must buy a new suit. This one is worn out

to throw away (to discard)
ex. Don't throw those magazine away. I haven't seem them yet

fall in love (to begin to love)
ex. John falls in love with every new girl he meets

to go out (to leave, also to cease burning)
ex. When I telephone they told me that he had gone out

as yet (up to the present time, af of now)
ex. As yet we have not had an answer from him

to have to do with (to have some connection with)
ex. What does that new director have to do with me ?   

Kamis, 07 Februari 2013

MPI (Istilah dalam Metode Penangkapan Ikan)

Istilah Dredge, Bag Net, Hela
apa yang istilah diatas membuat bingung, terus terang saya juga masih bingung, namun ini sedikit yang saya tangkap dari kuliah SP (Semester Pendek) yang saya dapatkan ;

1. Dredge Gear
Disini yang dimaksud dengan alat tangkap dredge gear adalah alat tangkap yang cara pengoperasiannya ditarik.
Contoh alat tangkap : Paranzella (double rig trawl) merupakan kapal trawl yang memiliki 2 trawl disisi kanan dan kiri, Beam Trawl yaitu trawl yang menggunakan beam atau bentangan atau palangan untuk melebarkan mulut dari trawl itu sendiri.

2. Hela (dragged gear)
Menghela yang dimaksudkan adalah seperti andong cara pengoperasiannya, yaitu menarik alat tangkap sambil melajukan kapal, hal inilah yang dilarang dan menjadi masalah, kadangkala banyak alat tangkap yang mirip dredge namun cara pengoperasiannya yang di hela.
Contoh nya pukat hela

3.Bag Net
Bag net adalah Jaring berkantong tanpa adanya wing (without wing), jadi bag net ini hanya terdiri dari kantongnya saja tanpa ada tali selambar
contoh : Sodo yang termasuk dalam jaring dorong

*sedangkan Seine Net*
bentuk seperti pukat hela yang cara pengoperasiannya ditarik

Payang adalah
Pukat yang tidak menggunakan pemberat sehingga letak alatnya berada di permukaan

Cantrang adalah
Pukat yang menggunakan pemberat sehingga digunakan untuk ikan-ikan demersal

Ali Sadikin Mantan Gubernur Jakarta

Dibalik Kontroversi Ali Sadikin Mantan Gubernur Jakarta di Era Soeharto

Berikut beberapa kebijakan kontroversial yang pernah dikeluarkan oleh Ali Sadikin
1. Kebijakan melegalkan Judi di Jakarta, kebijakan ini memiliki alasan yaitu Penjudi asal Indonesia banyak yang berjudi di Macau, tentu saja hal ini bisa dimanfaatkan pajaknya jika di Indonesia terdapat tempat judi yang di legalkan.
2. melokalisasi PSK di Jakarta Utara solusi yang ditawarkan Ali Sadikin untuk membangun kota jakarta dengan segenap permasalahannya, tentu memberi gejolak dari kebijakan kontroversinya
3. mengatur pemakaman

Dibalik kontroversinya, Ali Sadikin adalah Gubernur yang memulai membangun Jakarta di periode awal Indonesia, yang membedakan dengan 6 Gubernur setelah Ali Sadikin, yang belum satupun bisa menandingi usahanya dalam membangun Jakarta.

Dibalik itu semua, setelah  Ali Sadikin tidak menjadi Gubernur, beliau memiliki keseriusan dalam memberi peran bagi Jakarta, salah satu contohnya bahwa Ali Sadikin memberikan bantuan beasiswa pendidikan bagi anakkelahiran Jakarta.

Ali Sadikin wafat tanggal 20 mei di Singapura, dan sesuia keinginannya beliau meminta dikuburkan diliang lahat yang sama dengan istrinya..

Tayangan Kompas TV 06-02-2013

Selasa, 15 Januari 2013

National Institute for Physiological Sciences (NIPS) Internship, Japan

National Institute for Physiological Sciences (NIPS) 
(Department of Physiological Sciences, School of Life Science, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI) 
Invites foreign students who wish to stay at NIPS for approximately 2 weeks (internship) in 2013. The aim of the internship is to provide students who are thinking of entrance to our PhD course program with an opportunity to experience our education system and research activity. We believe this opportunity will be very helpful to students in making a decision to enter our graduate university. We will support travel and stay expenses.

To apply for the NIPS Internship 2013
Please register yourself.
IMMEDIATELY after registration, please send your [Curriculum Vitae] including [official records of your scores in schools] to “” as PDF files.
If you wish, you can also send PDF files of recommendation letter(s).

National Institute for Physiological Sciences (NIPS) Internship, JapanNational Institute for Physiological Sciences (NIPS) Internship, Japan

Fullbright Dikti Master Degree Scholarship

The program is open to applicants who serve as part time or permanent faculty members of state and private institutions of higher education in Indonesia. Applicants will possess:

  • a Bachelor (S1) degree with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (4.00 scale)
  • a leadership qualities
  • a good understanding of Indonesian and international cultures
  • a demonstrated commitment to the chosen field of study
  • a willingness to return to Indonesia upon completion of the Fulbright-DIKTI program
  • a minimum institutional TOEFL score of 550 or IELTS score of 6.0 or IBT score of 79/80. Please note that TOEFL prediction or TOEFL-like score cannot be accepted.

 All disciplines and fields of study are eligible for a Fulbright award. The fields of study covered by the Fulbright scholarship program in the past were limited to the Social Sciences and Humanities. Since 2004, however, the policy has been changed to include also other disciplines with the exception of fields related to patient care or medical training nor to continue their study at medical school.

Candidates should complete the appropriate application form which can be downloaded below and send it to DIKTI address as shown on the last page of the application form. Please return your complete application package by the application deadline that includes:
Completed application form. This includes a clearly written and concise one page study objective.
Copy of your most recent, less than two years old, ITP/IBT TOEFL or IELTS score report.
One letter of reference, either from your current employer or previous lecturer.
Copy of academic transcript and diploma (English translation).
Copy of identity document (KTP or passport).

further info Fulbright Dikti Master Degree Scholarship

AMUNC 2013 Scholarship Program

The AMUNC 2013 Scholarship Program aims to ensure that motivated students who may find it a financial hardship to attend the conference, are given the opportunity to do so.

The amount of financial assistance that delegates can apply for varies depending on the scholarship. Some partially or wholly subsidise the conference fees for delegates while others help offset accommodation costs.

We encourage interested delegates to apply for the scholarship that best fits their description and needs. Students may apply for up to two scholarships but only one scholarship will be given per student.

Below are details about the scholarships currently available for application. Kindly funded by Victoria University of Wellington and the British High Commission, they are a mix of grants that are based on financial need and scholarships that are based on merit.

There will also be scholarships funded by AMUNC 2013 that will be made available to international students. Further details will be announced soon, with applications for these scholarships expecting to be open in early 2013.

The deadline for all applications is Sunday, 17 March 2013.

British High Commission Scholarships and Grants 

There are two types of scholarships/grants funded by the British High Commission (BHC)
Full Attendance Scholarships, and
Attendance and Accommodation Subsidy Grants for Samoan students.

All awardees of BHC scholarships and grants will attend AMUNC 2013 as delegates for the United Kingdom, which includes attending a reception hosted by the BHC at the High Commissioner's residence.
BHC Full Attendance Scholarships 

There are ten BHC Full Attendance Scholarships available to New Zealand students to attend AMUNC 2013 as delegates for the United Kingdom. Each scholarship covers the full cost of the conference attendance fee. It is open to all New Zealand students, but preference will be given to applicants residing outside of the Wellington region.

To be eligible, applicants must: 
Be a registered student attending teritary education in New Zealand in 2013
Attend AMUNC 2013 once selected, except in the case of a family or personal health emergency. Cancellations must be notified to the Secretariet as soon as possible to make the scholarship available to another applicant.

To apply, please fill out the application form, and submit a 500-word essay on one of the following: 
How has social networking played an important role in "Breaking Barriers"?
A topic or issue that you think is relevant to the theme of the conference, "Breaking Barriers"
Describe a barrier that you have faced, or are currently facing, that you think will be better addressed after attending AMUNC 2013.

Top awardees will have the opporunity to have their submitted essay published on the AMUNC 2013 website.

Please submit the application form and other requirements by email to
 BHC Attendance and Accommodation Subsidy Grants for Samoan students 

Attendance and accomodation subsidy grants are available for two Samoan students attending AMUNC 2013. They are intended to provide financial assistance for Samoan students traveling to the conference by covering: 
The full cost of the conference attendance fee, and
The offset of accommodation costs.

Awardees will attend the conference as delegates for the United Kingdom.

To be eligible, applicants must: 
Be a citizen of Samoa, or a resident of Samoa for at least two years, at the time of application,
Be a registered student attending teritary education in Samoa in 2013,
Attend AMUNC 2013 once selected, except in the case of a family or personal health emergency. Cancellations must be notified to the Secretariet as soon as possible to make the scholarship available to another applicant.

To apply, please fill out the application form, and submit a 500-word personal statement outlining the contributions that you will make to AMUNC 2013, and why you need financial support to attend the conference.

Please submit the application form and other requirements by email to
Victoria University Scholarships and Grants 

There are two types of scholarships/grants available to registered students from Victoria University of Wellington: 
Deputy Vice-Chancellor attendance equity grants, and
Partial attendance scholarships for Humanities and Social Sciences students.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor Attendance Equity Grants 

There are five equity grants available to Victoria University students who are represented in one of the following categories: Maori students; Pacific students; students with disabilities; students who can demonstrate financial hardship; and students educated at decile 1 to 3 secondary schools.

The intention of these grants is to facilitate student participation, and to ensure that educational opportunities are accessible to all students. Each grant covers the full cost of the conference fee.

To be eligible, applicants must: 
Be a registered student attending Victoria University of Wellington in 2013
Be represented in one of the above categories
Attend AMUNC 2013 once selected, except in the case of a family or personal health emergency. Cancellations must be notified to the Secretariet as soon as possible to make the scholarship available to another applicant.

To apply, please fill out the application form, and submit a 500-word personal statement outlining the contributions that you will make to AMUNC 2013, and why you need the support to attend the conference.

Please submit the application form and other requirements by email to .
Partial Attendance Scholarships for Humanities and Social Sciences Students 

Victoria University is also offering partial scholarships for students from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Awardees of this scholarship will receive a subsidy on their conference registration fee to support student participation.

There are 11 scholarships to be awarded to student delegates. Top scholars will have the opportunity to have their submitted statement published on the AMUNC 2013 website.

To be eligible, applicants must: 
Be a registered student attending Victoria University of Wellington in 2013, and
Be studying in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, and
Attend AMUNC 2013 once selected, except in the case of a family or personal health emergency. Cancellations must be notified to the Secretariet as soon as possible to make the scholarship available to another applicant.

To apply, please fill out the application form, and submit a statement between 300-500 words on one of the following: 
How has social networking played an important role in "Breaking Barriers"?
A topic or issue that you think is relevant to the theme of the conference, "Breaking Barriers"

Describe a barrier that you have faced, or are currently facing, that you think will be better addressed after attending AMUNC 2013.

Please submit the application form and other requirements by email to
AMUNC 2013 International Scholarships 

AMUNC 2013 is offering a number of scholarships specifically for delegates and directors attending AMUNC 2013 from overseas. Awardees of this scholarship will receive a full subsidy on their conference registration fee to support student participation. 

There are 15 scholarships to be awarded.

To be eligible, applicants must:
Be enrolled at the time of AMUNC 2013 at a University outside of New Zealand
Not be a citizen of New Zealand.

To apply, please fill out the application form, and submit a 500-word personal statement outlining the contributions that you will make to AMUNC 2013, and why you need financial support to attend the conference.

Please submit the application form and other requirements by email to
 Application Review Process 

Applications will undergo initial assessment by AMUNC 2013 to ensure they are both eligble and complete. Following this, the review process will consider: 
The merit of the application. In particular, the applicant's demonstration of leadership qualities, as well as insight into global issues.
The applicant's financial need.

The weight of these considerations will depend on the scholarship being applied for.

All applicants will be notified of the results by email by Sunday, 31 March 2013. Further details on the administration of these scholarships will be sent to successful applicants after this date.

further information AMUNC 2013

Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

My sincerity on January 2013

Sunday January 13, 2013
It very cloudy in the morning & as usual i got pray Subuh and Duha after that. At times felt so boring with my self, just try on several activities to improved my english skill, at least always look up word by word on digital dictionary, listening English Program like Talk Indonesia, Indonesian Now, Channel Japan thats my favorite program on Metro TV of course. Its was very lucky this weekend i watched that program, yeah...because my last examination have been done on Friday this week January 11.
Last week before, i tried to watching that program especially Channel Japan, i did not watching, I had free seminar in my campus so that i could not watching last week, but I'm very happy could watch my favorite anchor Dalton Tanonaka and Marissa Anita, they was looked very smart both of them. Actually I'm so nervous if i must speak on public, that's not simple even though i read some books to get more self confident, I was blunder in practice & felt bad when i pressed my self to give questions in every where that was chanced to showed up my idea, opinion, or just ask questioned but i failed to lift my hand up, sometimes i did not have any think of about the topic in seminar even i listened & attentively from the begin till the last, and always in that room, but so was difficult to rise up problem or opinion and after that decided to ask the questioned in every forum with lift my hand up for me it was not easy habit to be critical person.
More than just watched TV, almost observed that many people who was to be an anchor has a good public speaking & they have more effectively presentation on some problems they had with clearly. That was disturbed me now days. How to made my self confident in public & mastering in public speaking? I had been met people with good personality, good speaking & their inner was blowing out, even they had sufficient in physics, so the last one was not important again, even they have good personality & they could express anything in their mind, i though that is more than enough be some one who had power-talents & that was key a leader.

Sometimes i did not want worry about this one again, wish to allah made easily may way be a master in public speaking & good personality amin ya rabbal alamin 

Keep on going, keep on trying, keep on smiling i believe i can do everything that's my believe in my self