Kamis, 09 Oktober 2014

Anak Jangan Jadi Pemalas

Halo hari kamis, dibulan oktober ini ijinkan hambamu ini lebih produktive ya allah dengan banyak hal yang bisa saya lakukan tanpa terkecuali, bantu hambamu menjadi lebih sabar dan kebih keras dalam berusaha. Meletakkan semuanya pada Mu dan memasrahkan semuanya.
Jangan biarkan hambamu tertegun malas dan tak berdaya merasakan keterbatasan disamping banyak sukur yang kau brrikan lebih banyak. Jangab biarkan hambamu ini terdiam dan menjadi tua..

Rabu, 08 Oktober 2014

Get Your Habbit

Hi whats up? Long time not wrote here, it was because I was forgot about write down. Many times I was though, feelt missed here, to prefer wrote long one than short one in twitter.
Today, I just already download for twice Blogger inside of phone. The first one because my phone in upgraded lat time and then finally all of those thing inside gone away and never came back. :)
But thats okay, after my phone got ready and then I still in passion asked anyone contacts such as bbm, phone number, etc. Secondly, I tried download any kind of application again in playstore but now it  was not too many because the last my phone got trouble and ended in shop repair because the 'IC' inside of phone not worked properly and then my phone was in died after about 2 months. That wasn't because in the shop repair but It all about payment for the broken phone to much pricey ehm! almost 400rupiahs man! Is about more 40$ :(
After that I had trouble with my wallet spirit was lost. Huhuhu. And thats why I was have no time to caught here freely at that time. And here it is I am coming with new session here I will be more active to write anything happen in my life..
Thank you

I am coming