Kamis, 17 Desember 2015

i am trustful

will it be worth it?

ya absolutely

kamu ga usah mikir macem"
oh ya

kalo lagi marah atau enggak bedain :(

kalo lagi bercanda juga bedain bang

kalo ga ngeliat langsung aku mana faham marah enggaknya


somehow what i need is

you just look at me

we have good communicate

we have small talk

you shared your experience to me

we are close each other

kalau aku cemintil,, plis jangan berfikir yang lain, berarti aku sedang pengen tau kamu, dari yang ga enak, sedih,, kan pasti ada kan,, nah aku juga pengen tau

intinya aku ki sayang bang aah situ ga sensitif

Minggu, 13 Desember 2015

hai whats going on?

coming here ((((((((you))))))))

rindu yaa,,,, ciyeee bilang langsung aja keleus

ya ga bisa lha wong mbo block ya eh

im swear,, really my data is lost

wanna have a talk, maybe if you dont mind :))) ???

Rabu, 09 Desember 2015

susah ternyata nyari paketan pas ujan,,
ngumpulin niat, semangat, menerjang hujan lebat

jam segini baru dapet *sigh

sekarang perasaan sering was was kalo pas ga ada paket takut kamunya ngilang
kan ibarat listrik padam

*betewe itu maksudnya apa ?*

Senin, 07 Desember 2015

km ga pake mikir apa,,

misal aku segampangan itu
pas aku kesel
atleast you see me with another guy, langsung tanpa filter
toh kamu juga ga pernah serius sama aku
dari dulu coba diinget"
mana pernah km ngajak ngobrol
nglurusin yg salah
terus yang terkesan siapa mainin siapa
kamu tu jangan sembarangan ya

kalo kamu cari bibit bebet bobot
bukan diaku
but im pretty sure im good woman
aku ga macem" ya
at least aku ga mainin perasaan orang
ga PHP in anak orang
ga suka gombal
ga buaya
ga kaya kamu

kamu tu lama lama
bikin kesel sakit hati
kalo ngomong dijaga
mending kamu marah" langsung to the point ke aku
dr pada km titip pesen ke orang
km ga bayangin
org yg tau mikirnya apa ke aku

gitu aja kamu ga pake perasaan
pinter ya kamu bikin orang bad mood

Senin, 30 November 2015

A blessed

It was taken last Sunday when my niece sitting down on the sofa, which was still making by my father, his job to re-new the sofa made better with new leather or skin on it as the order by the owner.

I cant take full of picture, one-set of sofa  type 3-2-1 so well, isn't enough space in my home too small. Cherish him with love always. He also good maker, and renew it a better solution for them who had low budget rather better than buy new one. Renew it and more save any money, i though. . 😄

Why im writing about him suddenly, i saw my friend before,  very proud talked about her family and her life and so did I happy Family indeed!!! yeeeeeeee

I love him so much, im appreciate huhu *i don't have any expression* ,
May allah give my parent healthy, wealthy and patient., Amin.

after that...
back to my niece was barter her ice cream to change with game apps in my phone, because she wanted to played any games on my phone. Then I hold her ice cream after that haha.

She had compassion face and very cute mimic, ,  I gave up and then i decided to downloaded some of apps and i had to allowed uninstalled some apps first to provided and make sure enough space RAM. Not so many space also in my phone, hah!!

She was very active little niece already, and i am very happy looking her is growing from baby till kindergarten, people said her face like me when i was little by the way.

Senin, 16 November 2015


feeling *umup
dengan skripsi orang

totally different with my papper
My paper was not dificult, it was mediocre     haha

it has been taken too long time in my home, actually
i dont understand at all how to process the data

im pushing my head
a bit being smarter, recently
im challenging my self for do this till the end the target

so, please if you want to make joking with me, it will never be funny
i will eat you
I have no time = sibuk

Cherish that moments

#throwback in colledge
I realized no character can fullycomplete itself no matter who i am maybe.

Infact I learned to simply be myself and appreciate and enjoy all good people of my life to fill my voids because they were the best part of my missing pieces.

I happen to have the priviledge of friendship that fully the days before in colledge.

May allah give us the way to success.
you guys, have good monday.
#friends #colledge #part #priviledge